The first weekend we headed to NYC! It was the first time they had been to the big city so we hopped on a double-decker tour bus and took it all in. (Unfortunately I forgot the camera that day! =( Some of the sights we got to see were the Empire State Building, Trump Towers, Chinatown, Ground Zero, United Nations, Rockefeller Center, Times Squares, Brooklyn Bridge, and Central Park. We even stopped in the M&M store on Times Square to buy some dark chocolate M&M's for $12.99 a pound! Ouch!
Another day we went to High Point State Park so that we could see the highest point of NJ. At the top, there is a 360 degree view of New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania.
Here's a picture looking straight up inside the High Point monument. There are stairs, and stairs, and MORE stairs leading to the very top. No one was brave enough to make the venture to the very top! =)
My dad also replaced our kitchen sink that day. (THANK YOU Dad!) It was old and worn. Every time you turned it off it would drip unless you turned it just right. We LOVE our new faucet!
The following day we headed to Wawayanda State Park. The past 2 out of 2 times we had been to Wawayanda we had seen black bears so I was hoping my parents could experience the same. We went on the same trail only this time there were no bears. We walked and walked. This was the first time I had seen this much of the trail because in the past we had to turn around when we spotted a bear or two. Here are some pictures from Wawayanda:
Here's a worm that was 'floating' in the air:
Midweek we decided to do a little shopping at IKEA, Michael's, and JoAnn's. I started getting an itch to sew so my Mom gave me some lessons while she was here. I hadn't touched a sewing machine or even a needle and thread since 8th grade! My mom was such a huge help, showing me how to read the patterns and make Carson's first new pair of Thomas pajamas for this winter.
Thursday night we took Mom and Dad to Cuban Pete's so they could experience some Cuban food and to get a taste of Ryan and I's all time favorite restaurant!
Friday we headed to Vernon, NJ to walk along to Pochuck Trail which is part of the Appalachian Trail. We headed out mid-morning and boy was it hot!
Before you reach the boardwalk part of the Pochuck Trail, you first have to take a trail in the woods. A snake slid across the path right in front of my feet and boy did I scream. My Dad was startled by my scream and thought I had seen a bear or something. haha Anyways, it was fun and my Dad was glad that he could add that to his list of accomplishments. =)
By Saturday, Carson and I were about over our summer colds but had passed them on to Mom and Dad, so we took it easy and everyone rested up. We also watched a few good movies while they were here: 7 Pounds and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
This evening, I was feeling a bit disappointed that my parents didn't get to see any bears or deer while they were here...and wouldn't you know it...while we were driving home from dinner tonight a black bear ran across the street in front of us. Then on up the road, we saw not one but three deer. There was all sorts of wildlife out tonight!
Needless to say, we had a great time with my parents while they were here and Carson loved seeing and playing with his grandma and grandpa! They are heading back home tomorrow. We wish them a very safe trip back and can't wait to see them again soon!