Kadence turns 6 months old tomorrow. She went to the Dr. this morning and got 3 shots. Here are her stats:
Weight: 17 lbs. 5 oz (75%)
Height: 27 3/4 inches (98%)
Head Circ: 17 cm (75%)
Her favorite pastimes now are making loud noises, giggling, and drooling like crazy (but no teeth yet)! She has become quite a good eater and loves cauliflower. I haven't fed her anything she doesn't like yet, but she really goes to town when I feed her cauliflower!
The best way to soothe Kadence when she is crying is to have Carson sing her a song. It works EVERY time!
Just for comparison, Carson was 22 lbs. 12 oz. and 28 1/2 inches long at this age!!!
Here are some more pictures from her 6 month photo shoot.