We spent Christmas in Chicago this year. We headed to Plainfield the night before Ryan's birthday. It was a week full of fun activities!!! For Ryan's birthday we went out on a triple-date for all-you-can-eat sushi followed by a chocolate fondue dessert at The Melting Pot. We had such a fun time eating and chatting with the Chans and Clarkes. The following day, we had yet ANOTHER date night. Ryan and I went out to dinner at Joy Yee and then went to see Jim Brickman in concert. He was playing nearby in Aurora, IL for his Christmas concert series. I think Ryan and I were one of the few couples there that didn't have white hair but Jim Brickman's music was such a joy to listen to. We played several Jim Brickman songs at our wedding so it was neat to hear several of those songs live in concert. On Christmas Day all 3 kids had a blast opening up all of their presents! The Barnett's also drove down to spend the day with us and we went to the Clarke's for a Christmas dinner. We got to play Alan and Melissa's new XBox360 Kinnect and got many laughs out of watching Catherine and Justin do a dance-off. We headed back to Michigan the day after Christmas. Here are a couple pictures to highlight our trip:
The boys sledding...

The gingerbread train that Carson, Ethan, Aunt Melissa, and Uncle Alan put together...