Better late then never, at the end of April Kadence turned TWO! Here are her 2 year stats:
Height: 36.5 inches (97%)
Weight: 25 lb. 15 oz. (40%)
Head: 19 inches (71%)
At the age of two, Kadence LOVES babies and doggies! She will point each and every dog out with an excited screech when we see one in public. She loves to play with her babies, pushing them in a stroller, pretend feeding them, and putting them down for naps telling everyone, "Shhhhhhh!".
Kadence is such a sweet, loving, and easy going toddler. Our late talker is finally showing signs of improvement. For the longest time she would (and still does) point and grunt at things she wants without trying to say the word. We often joke that Carson does all the talking for her so she doesn't need to. But she's been going to speech therapy since the beginning of March and is finally starting to repeat different vowel and consonant sounds for us. She has also learned quite an array of different signs thanks to her speech therapist, Miss Julia. Her newest word that she just picked up on is Please. She says "Peesh" in the softest, cutest little voice. I'm confident that her speech will take off soon. All things in their own good time...