I will never understand how time can fly by so quickly. Summer has come and gone and the kids are growing up so fast. Here are a few things that we did this summer, in no particular order.
#1 Carson started Kindergarten!!!!!
Unfortunately on the morning of the first day of kindergarten, Carson woke up with a fever and a very painful sore throat. He had to miss the first 3 days of school because of a virus. :(

So on September 7, 2012 he attended his first day of Kindergarten at Pittsfield Elementary School with Mrs. Duman. He was SO EXCITED!!!

#2 Thunder Over Michigan
#3 Fun at Lake Tippecanoe

#4 Carson played Soccer and Tee Ball
#5 Carson learned how to Ride his Bike WITHOUT training wheels!
and last but not least...
#6 Kadence is well underway in the potty-training process and is doing such a good job. We can't wait to be completely done with diapers! :)