This was our first year trick or treating in New Jersey so we weren't sure what to how many kids would go trick or treating in our neighborhood, etc. To our surprise, our doorbell rang at 1:30pm this afternoon with our first trick or treaters!!!! Unfortunately I had just put Carson down for his nap so he missed out on seeing our first visitor who just happened to be Thomas the Tank Engine!!! The doorbell continued to ring all afternoon and by 5:45pm we were out of candy! It's 7pm right now and I can still see children walking around in their costumes outside. Maybe next year we will be more prepared - and buy some major candy by the bulk!
The weather was rainy but that didn't stop Carson from having a good time. Here are some pictures of the little monkey. He really enjoyed going door to door, ringing door bells and getting candy this year.
Carson's candy of choice: Lollipops!!!
All ready to head outside...

Rain, rain, go away...

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