Kadence is one month old already. We went to the doctor today and here are her current stats. She is growing like a weed! :)
Weight: 10 lbs (77%)
Height: 22 1/4 in (90%)
Head Circumference: 37 cm (52%)
Just for comparison, here were Carson's stats when he was only one month old.
Weight: 11 lbs (72%)
Height: 23 in (84%)
Head Circumference: 38.7 cm (55%)
Carson has adjusted quickly to becoming a big brother. He loves to be our big helper and often times will bring us a clean diaper and wipes, help hold Kadence's bottle, and runs to give her a pacifier if she starts to cry. He is an awesome big brother and it's so neat to see him around his little sister. We just love them both so much. Can't imagine life without the both of them. They are such blessings to us!
Here are some more pictures from today:

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