Here's a picture of Mary and I in our racing gear getting pumped up for the event!
The race was definitely challenging for the following reasons:
- This is only the 2nd time I've ever ran outside. (Winter isn't the ideal time to run outside in Michigan. :)
- I have a bad cold and was very congested.
- There were several hills that the treadmill didn't prepare me very well for.
Ryan was waiting to take our picture at the top of the last hill not far from the finish line. It was motivating to see him at the top and made me want to push myself even harder to make it to the top.
I tried to look good for the pictures but who was I kidding? That last hill was TOUGH!
Are you wondering what my time was? I finished 3.1 miles in 37 minutes and 32 seconds. (That's about a 12 minute mile.) While I know that may sound like such a slow time to many people...I view it as such a HUGE accomplishment! I did it!!! I ran a 5K and I did it without walking! It was so motivating and touching to be able to give my son a big high five just steps before the finish line! He was so happy to see his mommy running today!
Will I do it again? Heck yes!!! I would love to run another 5K and be able to beat my previous time. It was such a great experience and I had such a great coach to push me along at a couple times during the race where I really wanted to slow down and walk. (Thanks Mary!!! You are such an amazing friend!)
This last picture is Mary, Kadence, and I at the finish line with our souvenir glasses. I will drink out of that glass with pride and hope to add many more souvenirs to my collection.
I love that you loved it! I especially love that you and Mary wore festive outfits for your first run!
Kathie, you did and AMAZING job! Those hills were tough, not as tough as you though! You killed your first race, I am so proud of you. You forgot to mention that we stayed up late playing volleyball the night before the race too! HA!
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