Thursday, February 26, 2009

Unpacking Is Fun For Some but Not For Others

We are so excited to have a home in New Jersey to call our own. It feels so good to start settling in. Although, I must admit, I had no idea how much stuff we really had until the movers brought it back all in one day. There were boxes pretty much filling each and every room. We are making good progress and hopefully all the boxes will be gone in another week or two. In the meantime, Carson is having a blast playing inside the big boxes and jumping onto the big mounds of packing paper. Here are some videos for your enjoyment!

Unpacking from Ryan Chan on Vimeo.

Boxes and Boxes of Fun from Ryan Chan on Vimeo.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Washington DC

We made a little road trip this weekend to visit some good friends of ours. On Saturday we drove to DC to look at all the beautiful buildings and monuments. It was breath-taking even in the winter. I can only imagine what it looks like in the spring and summer with leaves on the trees, the flowers blossoming and water running in the fountains. Some of the buildings we saw were the White House, the Pentagon, Capital Hill, the Washington Memorial, the Jefferson Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial, the Iwo Jima Memorial, and many others. Enjoy the slideshow!

Friday, February 13, 2009

It's Been Awhile

My apologies for not posting any pictures lately. Carson managed to get his hands on our camera one morning. Ever since, we've had a problem with the automatic lense cover but we seemed to have fixed it.

Here is a picture from a couple weeks ago. Carson loves climbing in and out of boxes no matter how big or small they are. In this picture he's saying, "Cheese"!

We received some great news yesterday. We will be closing on our new house on Thursday the 19th and the movers are bringing all of our stuff back on Friday the 20th. House hunting was an eventful and drawn out process for us but in the end we were able to get a good deal on the house that we really wanted. We are so excited to get settled in and for Carson to have his own room again.

I began packing up our apartment yesterday, putting things in boxes and empty laundry baskets. This is what I found when I looked over at Carson. Perhaps one day he'll be a contortionist. I know I can't bend like that! =)

This weekend we are going to Washington D.C. to visit some friends. More pictures to come...