Sunday, June 29, 2008

Grocery Shopping

Carson and I did a little grocery shopping this afternoon. When we got home Carson helped me 'unload' some of the bags. It was all fun and games until the cans got so high that they fell over and put a dent in our linoleum floor...

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Lilia's Birthday Party

Today we went to Lilia's birthday party at the Bounce Zone. She turned four years old. Happy Birthday Lilia!!!
Carson had a lot of fun sliding, climbing, and bouncing around all morning. By the end of the party he was exhausted and ready for a nap! Here are some pictures from the party:

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Another New Word

This morning Carson was trying to get up on the bar stool in our kitchen. For the first time he said, "Up, Up, Up" as he was trying to climb. He said it so clearly that I was in shock. He's been 'jibber-jabbering' a lot lately so I'm sure this is just the beginning of his new vocabulary. He also likes to say "Dad" now instead of da-da.

Monday, June 23, 2008

My Little Turtle

This outfit makes Carson look like a turtle when we put his hood up. It makes me laugh every time he wears it!

One of Carson's favorite things to do now is play with blocks. He loves to stack them up and then knock 'em over!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Eating an Apple

Usually we cut up an apple for Carson to eat. This time around I gave him the whole apple to see what he would do and he went to town on it!
(Baby Lucinda was in the kitchen with us and you can hear her in the background.)

Carson's Apple from Ryan Chan on Vimeo.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Outside Play

Ryan is in California this week so Carson and I decided to head outside this evening and take a nice long walk around our neighborhood. He loves to ride in the wagon and just take it all in.

Our neighbors let Carson borrow their Fisher Price bike. His legs were still a little too short for the pedals but he had fun scooting around on it and also pushing it. Thanks Scott and Katie!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day Weekend

This was a fun and busy weekend at the Chansion. Saturday night we held the first annual IFPN (International Feast of Peaceful Nations). Several of Ryan's co-workers joined us for an evening filled with lots of fun and good eats. Everyone was required to bring a dish from their country of origin. Those present were from: China, Romania, Italy, India, Scotland, Germany, Africa, Russia, and the USA. All the dishes were amazing! After dinner we played a little Rock Band and then ended the night with some fireworks.

On Sunday my family came over for lunch to celebrate Father's Day. I cooked up some Chinese food (that my father-in-law taught me how to make) and then we played Rock Band in the afternoon. It was a great day and so nice to spend time with my family. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY DAD!!! We love you!

Alan and Melissa were also able to join us from Chicago this weekend. It was great to see them and get to play with Ethan.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

For Grandpa Hiatt

Hi Grandpa! I just wanted to show you how good I am at riding the doggy now. Thanks so much for making it for me. I play on it EVERY day!!!
Love, Carson

Thanks Grandpa! from Ryan Chan on Vimeo.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Lunchtime Milestone!

Carson and I decided to play outside this morning before it got too hot. Around noon, we headed in for lunch and I said, "Are you ready to eat, Carson?" Usually he will try to climb into his highchair but today he popped a squat on the green chair around our kitchen table. He sat there patiently for me to prepare his lunch. It was such a cute moment, but also made me realize that he's not my little baby anymore! He ate his entire lunch at the "big boy table" and even ate on a plate without dumping it all over for the first time!
Good job Carson!!!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Poker Night

We went to a friend's house to play a little Poker last night. Carson had a blast and was showing us how it was done.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Messy Dinner = Fun Bath Time

Tippy's Relative?

OK - so I know this post has nothing to do with Carson but I just couldn't resist! On my way out to the mailbox this morning, I found this HUGE turtle in the middle of the road! I was afraid he would get run over so I found a big box to transport him back to the pond behind our house. Of course, I had to take some pictures first! As many of you know, Ryan and I had a turtle, Tippy, for about 7 years until he passed away this winter. So turtles are always near and dear to our hearts. =)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Carson's New Toy Room

A few weeks ago, Ryan and I decided to turn an empty bedroom upstairs into a toy room. A lady from Fishers came and wallpapered a Jungle theme onto one wall and then I painted the other 3 walls with a neutral tan color. Hobby Lobby had some fun vines on sale so I hung those on the ceiling. It turned out really cute and Carson (and I) really enjoy it.