Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat

This was our first year trick or treating in New Jersey so we weren't sure what to how many kids would go trick or treating in our neighborhood, etc. To our surprise, our doorbell rang at 1:30pm this afternoon with our first trick or treaters!!!! Unfortunately I had just put Carson down for his nap so he missed out on seeing our first visitor who just happened to be Thomas the Tank Engine!!! The doorbell continued to ring all afternoon and by 5:45pm we were out of candy! It's 7pm right now and I can still see children walking around in their costumes outside. Maybe next year we will be more prepared - and buy some major candy by the bulk!

The weather was rainy but that didn't stop Carson from having a good time. Here are some pictures of the little monkey. He really enjoyed going door to door, ringing door bells and getting candy this year.

Carson's candy of choice: Lollipops!!!

All ready to head outside...

Rain, rain, go away...

Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Cookies - Day 2

This morning we finished the Halloween cookies! I iced and Carson helped with the sprinkles. They are setting out to dry right now but in the meantime, I thought I'd show you the finished product...

Which one is Carson's favorite? The blue Thomas trains of course!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween Cookies - Day 1

This evening Carson and I decided to get into the holiday spirit by baking some Halloween cookies. I pulled out my stash of cookie cutters from the basement and we picked out the ones we wanted to make. There were pumpkins, ghosts, cats, spider webs....and Carson also insisted on making some train cookies. We rolled up our sleeves, rolled out the dough, and baked some yummy cookies. Here are a couple pictures and a video of my little helper. Tomorrow we will ice the cookies!

Halloween Cookies from Ryan Chan on Vimeo.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Carson Is Going to be a BIG BROTHER!

It's official! Carson is going to be a big brother next year! We went to the doctor Monday evening and got to hear the heartbeat for the first time. I am 12+ weeks along and the due date is April 27, 2010! Many people have already asked if we are going to find out if it's a girl or boy. Yes! We are not ones to wait until the end so we will definitely be finding out. In fact, we should know in 6-8 more weeks whether Carson is going to have a little sister or little brother!

Since our family is growing we need to change the name of our blog. It's currently called "Watch Carson Grow" but that won't make sense after this next baby is born. Can you think of a catchy blog name for us to use? If so, post it in the Comments section.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Carson's First Big Boy Bike

Ryan has wanted to get a bike for Carson for months so this past weekend he took Carson bike shopping! They also had to buy a new helmet. Carson has a rather large head and can no longer wear his toddler helmet anymore. He can't even wear a 3T/4T one! They just don't fit on his big noggin! I think the helmet we ended up with is for a 5 or 6 year old.

So we took Carson to a big parking lot at the Hamburg Park to practice. (It was hard finding flat land in NJ to ride on! =) After about 5 minutes of practicing...he was off! Go Carson, Go!!!

Ringing his bell...

Concentrating real hard...

We had him stop for a quick picture but he wasn't a big fan of that. He just wanted to keep riding...and riding...and riding!

Can you tell that he wasn't ready to go home yet?