Sunday, December 13, 2009


Just wanted to document some of the funny things Carson says these days. While his vocabulary grows every week, there are still some things that don't come out just quite right...and those are the cutest!

For example:
Pepper Pepper Pepper Poni = Pepperoni
Pink One = Penguin
Clunk = Clock
Wook Mommy! Wook at Dat!!! = Look Mommy! Look at That!!!
Mawee = Wall-E (the Disney character)
Paula Bean = Paula Deen
No tat time! = No nap time!

Past Carson-isms that he now pronounces clearly:
Orrrrrrnan = Gordon (from Thomas trains)
Meeps = James (from Thomas trains)
Momas = Thomas
Doop = Soup
Headphoons = Headphones
Onange = Orange
Oweevs = Olives

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